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Molecular characteristics in Burkitt lymphoma over age groups

Treatment optimization has improved the overall survival in Burkitt lymphoma (BL) patients but there are still relevant outcome differences between pediatric and adult patients. In both age groups survival remains poor for patients who suffer relapse. Therefore, new treatment approaches are warranted to improve survival. Thus, we conducted a comparative study in the largest pediatric cohort to date including 191 cases and 97 samples from adult patients and analyzed the mutational landscape. We detected overlapping molecular profiles but also significant differences in the mutational pattern. Samples from pediatric patients show a higher frequency of mutations in ID3, DDX3X and BAF-complex components ARID1A and SMARCA4, while YY1AP1 and BCL2 are more frequently mutated in cases from adult BL patients. Correlation of the mutational profile with clinical data was available for the pediatric cohort and identified TP53 mutations to be highly significantly associated with the incidence of relapse thus identifying the first molecular marker to be associated with the incidence of relapse in pediatric BL. As the hotspot analysis of TP53 mutations showed mostly gain of function mutations, it is tempting to speculate that drugs decreasing the amount of malignant TP53 or increase the abundance of wildtype TP53 could be a promising approach for future treatment regimens to further improve prognosis.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001007708 Illumina MiSeq 396
EGAD00010002137 Illumina InfiniumOmniExpressExome-8 93
Publications Citations
Clinical relevance of molecular characteristics in Burkitt lymphoma differs according to age.
Nat Commun 13: 2022 3881