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RNA sequencing could be performed on all 32 baseline and 30 on-treatment primary tumor biopsies. Based on gene-set enrichment analysis, the epithelial to mesenchymal transition signature was enriched in baseline tumors of patients without MPR, though its expression was insufficient to predict ICB response. Baseline and on-treatment IFNγ and T-cell signature expression (Z-score) were not significantly higher in patients with an MPR.­­­ Baseline primary tumor hypoxia-associated gene expression in IMCISION did not predict ICB response. However, on-treatment biopsies of MPR tumor samples showed significantly lower hypoxia gene expression when compared to non-MPR samples. Moreover, in a paired analysis of baseline and corresponding on-treatment samples, a significant decrease of hypoxia-related gene expression was observed in MPR biopsies, while this decrease was absent in non-MPR biopsies.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001008127 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 62
Publications Citations
Neoadjuvant immunotherapy with nivolumab and ipilimumab induces major pathological responses in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Nat Commun 12: 2021 7348