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Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of iPSC, parental cells, and iPSC derived cardiomyocytes

The aim of this work was to analyze to which extent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants in human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) originate from their parental cells or from de novo mutagenesis, and whether dynamics in variant heteroplasmy levels during prolonged expansion culture of iPSC are caused by inter- or intra-cellular selection or genetic drift. Hence, mtDNA of 26 early passage iPSC clones from, in total, 10 donors and the corresponding parental cell populations (here endothelial cells) were sequenced. Furthermore, 7 iPSC clones were expanded up to passage 50 and the change in variant heteroplasmy levels was monitored. Lastly, the effect of differentiation on the variant heteroplasmy levels was investigated during directed cardiomyocyte differentiation of 4 iPSC clones.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001008021 Illumina MiSeq 62
Publications Citations
iPSC culture expansion selects against putatively actionable mutations in the mitochondrial genome.
Stem Cell Reports 16: 2021 2488-2502