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Separation, characterization, and identification of individuals from multi-person blood mixtures with single cell transcriptome sequencing and a novel bioinformatics pipeline

We report a deconvolution and identification strategy of scRNA-seq datasets using mixed PMBCs data. After sequencing the data were processed with the de-goulash pipeline and analyzed with aim to identify and aquire biogeogrpahical ancestry of the involved individuals. The study includes samples of biological mixtures and in silico mixtures.

Click on a Dataset ID in the table below to learn more, and to find out who to contact about access to these data

Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001008724 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 1
EGAD00001008725 1
EGAD00001008726 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 1
EGAD00001008727 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 1
EGAD00001008728 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 5
EGAD00001008729 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 1
Publications Citations
Single-cell transcriptome sequencing allows genetic separation, characterization and identification of individuals in multi-person biological mixtures.
Commun Biol 6: 2023 201