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Pediatric Patient-Derived-Xenograft development in MAPPYACTS – international pediatric cancer precision medicine trial in relapsed and refractory tumors

Pediatric patients with recurrent and refractory cancers are in most need for new treatments. This study developed patient-derived-xenograft (PDX) models within the European MAPPYACTS cancer precision medicine trial (NCT02613962). To date, 131 PDX models were established following heterotopical and/or orthotopical implantation in immunocompromised mice: 76 sarcomas, 25 other solid tumors, 12 central nervous system tumors, 15 acute leukemias, and 3 lymphomas. PDX establishment rate was 43%. Histology, whole exome and RNA sequencing revealed a high concordance with the primary patient’s tumor profile, human leukocyte-antigen characteristics and specific metabolic pathway signatures. A detailed patient molecular characterization, including specific mutations prioritized in the clinical molecular tumor boards are provided. Ninety models were shared with the IMI2 ITCC Paediatric Preclinical Proof-of-concept Platform (IMI2 ITCC-P4) for further exploitation. This new PDX biobank of unique recurrent childhood cancers provides an essential support for basic and translational research and new treatments development in advanced pediatric malignancies.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD00001011048 Illumina HiSeq 4000 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 NextSeq 500 166
Publications Citations
A biobank of pediatric patient-derived-xenograft models in cancer precision medicine trial MAPPYACTS for relapsed and refractory tumors.
Commun Biol 6: 2023 949
Divergent HLA variations and heterogeneous expression but recurrent HLA loss-of- heterozygosity and common <i>HLA-B</i> and <i>TAP</i> transcriptional silencing across advanced pediatric solid cancers.
Front Immunol 14: 2023 1265469