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Mosaic structural variation sample

Mosaic Normal-Tumor genomes are generated from real normal-tumor pairs with validated somatic variants. In this case, validated variants from the GRIDSS2 paper. Mosaic genomes were generated using GenomeMosaicMaker, an open-source software tool designed and implemented for this specific purpose. The variants provided in the VCF truth file for each mosaic tumor/normal pair were annotated using funnSV for SVs and VEP for SNVs and indels. All CRAM files are aligned to GRCh37. Please see and for more information.

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Dataset ID Description Technology Samples
EGAD50000000668 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 1
Publications Citations
GRIDSS2: comprehensive characterisation of somatic structural variation using single breakend variants and structural variant phasing.
Genome Biol 22: 2021 202