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Single cell RNA-seq CD8 T cells from elder adults

Single cell RNA-seq profiling of ~62k purified CD8+ T cell transcriptomes, from six healthy older adult donors using 10X genomics. Cells from each donor were separated based on their IL-7R protein expression (i.e. CD8+ IL7R+ and CD8+ IL7R- T cells).

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Process to obtain datasets generated by The Jackson Laboratory which are available through the European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA): Please submit your full name, supervisor's name if applicable, Institution's name and detailed research aims (internal non-commercial research) with your online request for review by the Data Access Committee (DAC). This dataset is governed by a Data Access Agreement which will be sent to your institutional email for review and signature by your Institution's Legal representative upon approval of your research aims by the DAC. Access will be granted to qualified researchers. Any questions, contact

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Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS00001004255 Other

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF00003448365 fastq.gz 6.8 GB
EGAF00003448366 fastq.gz 23.6 GB
EGAF00003448367 fastq.gz 6.7 GB
EGAF00003448368 fastq.gz 22.5 GB
EGAF00003448369 fastq.gz 6.5 GB
EGAF00003448370 fastq.gz 22.1 GB
EGAF00003448371 fastq.gz 7.1 GB
EGAF00003448372 fastq.gz 25.5 GB
EGAF00003448373 fastq.gz 7.0 GB
EGAF00003448374 fastq.gz 25.0 GB
EGAF00003448375 fastq.gz 7.0 GB
EGAF00003448376 fastq.gz 25.0 GB
EGAF00003448377 fastq.gz 7.1 GB
EGAF00003448378 fastq.gz 25.7 GB
EGAF00003448379 fastq.gz 7.0 GB
EGAF00003448380 fastq.gz 25.1 GB
EGAF00003448381 fastq.gz 3.2 GB
EGAF00003448382 fastq.gz 11.1 GB
EGAF00003448383 fastq.gz 4.1 GB
EGAF00003448383 fastq.gz 4.1 GB
EGAF00003448384 fastq.gz 14.3 GB
EGAF00003448385 fastq.gz 6.9 GB
EGAF00003448386 fastq.gz 24.2 GB
EGAF00003448387 fastq.gz 6.9 GB
EGAF00003448388 fastq.gz 24.0 GB
25 Files (348.4 GB)