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Samples obtained within X-pand project

This dataset contains five bone marrow samples and three mobilised peripheral blood ones from different healthy individuals. The three bone marrow samples have been sequence with the 10x multiome kit using Illumina sequencers. The three mobilised peripheral blood ones have been split in two aliquots, one for 10x multiome and the other for 10x CITE-seq. Both libraries types have been sequenced with an Illumina sequencer. Raw data has been processed with cell-ranger and map to the human genome (GRCh38) to obtain the bam files.

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Studies are experimental investigations of a particular phenomenon, e.g., case-control studies on a particular trait or cancer research projects reporting matching cancer normal genomes from patients.

Study ID Study Title Study Type
EGAS50000000750 Gene Regulation Study

This table displays only public information pertaining to the files in the dataset. If you wish to access this dataset, please submit a request. If you already have access to these data files, please consult the download documentation.

ID File Type Size Located in
EGAF50000267775 bai 4.9 MB
EGAF50000267776 bam 34.7 GB
EGAF50000267777 bam 38.3 GB
EGAF50000267778 bai 7.2 MB
EGAF50000267779 bai 6.6 MB
EGAF50000267780 bam 33.9 GB
EGAF50000267781 bam 39.7 GB
EGAF50000267782 bai 5.2 MB
EGAF50000267783 bam 42.3 GB
EGAF50000267784 bai 5.1 MB
EGAF50000267785 bam 23.7 GB
EGAF50000267786 bai 11.3 MB
EGAF50000267787 bai 8.7 MB
EGAF50000267788 bam 36.8 GB
EGAF50000267789 bam 29.4 GB
EGAF50000267790 bai 12.4 MB
EGAF50000267791 bai 5.1 MB
EGAF50000267792 bam 40.0 GB
EGAF50000267793 bam 24.7 GB
EGAF50000267794 bai 12.8 MB
EGAF50000267795 bai 9.6 MB
EGAF50000267796 bam 19.3 GB
EGAF50000267797 bam 29.2 GB
EGAF50000267798 bai 10.3 MB
EGAF50000267799 bai 11.1 MB
EGAF50000267800 bam 23.9 GB
EGAF50000267801 bam 46.2 GB
EGAF50000267802 bai 8.9 MB
EGAF50000267803 bam 22.3 GB
EGAF50000267804 bai 10.2 MB
EGAF50000267805 bai 8.8 MB
EGAF50000267806 bam 41.6 GB
EGAF50000267807 bam 20.2 GB
EGAF50000267808 bai 10.3 MB
EGAF50000267809 bai 5.4 MB
EGAF50000267810 bam 40.2 GB
36 Files (586.5 GB)