10175 results for "cancer rna-seq"
in 121.96 milliseconds.
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for endothelial cell of umbilical vein (resting), on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for CD38-negative naive B cell, on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for CD14-positive, CD16-negative classical monocyte, on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for effector memory CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell, on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for mature neutrophil - G-CSF/Dex. Treatment (16-20 hrs), on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for cytotoxic CD56-dim natural killer cell, on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for effector memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell, on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for endothelial cell of umbilical vein (proliferating), on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell, on genome GRCh38
BLUEPRINT release August 2015, RNA-Seq for CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell, on genome GRCh38