6135 results for "canc*"
in 26.43 milliseconds.
Gene expression profile of mesothelial-derived carcinoma-associated fibroblasts
Integration of intra-sample contextual error modeling for improved detection of somatic mutations
Study EGAS00001003806 -
Single cell sequencing: Capturing the origin and dynamics of chromosomal copy-number heterogeneity
Study EGAS00001003812 -
Epigenome wide DNA methylation assay of gingivo-buccal oral squamous cell carcinoma using single base resolution high throughput array
Mutational signature in colorectal cancer induced by genotoxic pks+ E. coli
Rapid identification of somatic genome rearrangements as personalized biomarkers for blood-based cancer monitoring
One-step generation of tumor models by base editor multiplexing in adult stem cell-derived organoids
PD-L1 blockade in combination with carboplatin as immune induction in metastatic lobular breast cancer: the GELATO-trial